Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DIY: How To Create Your Own Lip Butter

Hello guys! This few days I'm more interested in DIY as I can't go to shopping at all. Need to wait for my pockey money for this week. So I'll give you some of DIY that I've been trying to do lately. My lips is the most drying part of my body. I can feel the roughness and can't stand the ugly sight of it. One of my favorite lipstick is from Revlon Lip Butter collection. This is my own idea on how to create a nourishing and moisturising lipstick with my own perfect shade. Enjoy!

For this DIY, I use Pelangi Butter, which is super cheap, very delicious and has some sweet butter smell. My bf and I really like this butter so much. For the eyeshadows, I use cheap eyeshadow which is so shimmering and pigmented from Miss Kate palette. For easy mixing, the trick is to use brush rather than spoon or spatula as you can mix them directly into the container. When I wear this, I feel like icing sugar on my lips. Enjoy! Thank you for reading!!

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